Volleyball Techniques For Beginners

Volleyball Techniques For Beginner - Volleyball Attacking

(Volleyball Techniques For Beginner)

Develop consistent footwork. Volleyball techniques for the approach consist of 3 or 4 foot steps. The 3 step approach would be, left-right-left for right handed attackers, right-left-right for left handed attackers. Volleyball techniques player approaching Before training players to develop a consistent 4 step approach or 3 step approach, it may be best to first work on just the last two steps.

Volleyball Techniques For Beginners - Volleyball Attacking
Volleyball Techniques For Beginners - Volleyball Attacking
Your last two steps are the ones that matter the most. First concentrate on learning the last two before working on 3 or 4 step approaches.

Volleyball techniques for executing an attack hit include...
  • Approaching quick. To jump high, you’ve got to move fast. Really focus on stepping quickly (especially the last couple) in order to maximize your jump height.
  • Swing your arms back. By swinging your arms back you will take advantage of elastic energy and your nervous systems stretch reflex which can add inches to your vertical.
  • Bring both your arms up. By bring both your arms up you will continue with the momentum of going up which will help maximizing your height. Also, you will be in a better body position to hit.
  • Contact the ball in front of your hitting shoulder. It’s best to contact the ball at the same spot every time you hit. This develops a consistent armswing.
          Volleyball techniques of a hitters footwork (jumping from the correct spot) have a big influence on you hitting the ball in your sweet spot.
  • Put top-spin on the ball. Being able to put top-spin on the ball when you hit allows you to have better angles when hitting, thus more court to hit into.
          This is often called snapping the wrist when contacting the ball.