Volleyball Techniques For Beginners

Brazilian Kwiek satisfied with Dominican Republic’s ranking

(Volleyball Techniques For Beginners)

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 5, 2013 – Marcos Kwiek, the Brazilian coach of the Dominican Republic women’s senior team, expressed plenty satisfaction in knowing the new positioning of his team in the latest FIVB World Rankings published last Monday.

“That’s really very good news,” Kwiek said when informed about the eighth place of Dominican Republic in the classifications. “We improved two spots from the previous rankings after our successful results in this year’s FIVB World Grand Prix.”

The Dominican team finished in the 10th position of this year's World Grand Prix with a 6-3 win-loss record, its best ever achieved since their first participation in 2004.

Playing Guitar For Beginners - Brazilian Marcos Kwiek (r) with his staff during the stop in Chinese Taipei of the 2013 FIVB World Grand Prix
Brazilian Marcos Kwiek (r) with his staff during
the stop in Chinese Taipei of the 2013 FIVB World Grand Prix
I have to give credit to all the members of our coaching staff but above all to our dedicated players who worked so hard to attain this level,” Kwiek added.

The veteran Brazilian coach, who has been working with the Dominican Republic’s team since 2008, also commented on the future of the team and the goals for the next few years.

First we have the World Championship in Italy next year and then we have to think and work ahead of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016,” Kwiek said. “As a Brazilian I would be very proud to coach the team into that prestigious event.”

He said the team has been going through a steady evolution with the addition of new players who are stepping in with excellent results.

The Dominican Republic finished in eighth place in both the Youth and Junior World Championships in Thailand and Czech Republic and we are now ready to compete at the U23 World Championship in Mexico as the Pan American champions,” he said.

Kwiek admitted the countries ahead of Dominican Republic in the world rankings – Brazil, United States, Japan, Italy, China, Russia and Serbia- have more resources and better official and private support but nevertheless he is ready to accept the challenge of continuing the upgrade of his team.

“It has not been an easy task to achieve a top-10 ranking,” Kwiek disclosed. “We all have had to make many sacrifices along the way, but I feel comfortable where we are today and we will continue doing our best to stay there while the progress keeps going.”

from (fivb.org)